Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Living the American dream

In my class this year I have a boy who arrived here from Thailand about two years ago. Today I was asking him how he came to live here in the U.S. He explained that his dad (i.e. his mom's husband who is not actually his dad) was on vacation in Bangkok with his wife. He met this boy's mom and invited her to join him in the states. Left out somewhere in this story is that the man left his wife and children for the Thai honey. So when they arrived on U.S. soil neither the boy nor his mother could speak any English. Even now listening to mom is as difficult as discerning Bob Dylan lyrics. He continued to tell me that his mom now works at Taco Bell while taking ESL classes at night. Now there's the American dream. How many young Thai women must dream of breaking up a marriage, being taken away from their homeland, and forced to to slather refried beans on tortilla shells. Welcome to America!

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