Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fashion forward

I don’t understand Ella’s fashion choices. I’m definitely out of the loop because everything she throws on looks like an outfit designed by an eliminated Project Runway contestant. This morning she came down the stairs wearing this, saying that she was going to Starbucks. Unless you’re Gwen Stefani, I’m not sure that you can pull off that look. Something tells me that Garrett the nineteen-year old barista wouldn’t understand it either.

Tonight Rachel was at work, so the kids and I had a simple meal of bacon, eggs, and English muffins. Ella’s all about helping out in the kitchen these days so I placed her in charge of putting butter on the muffins. She ran off and came back twenty seconds later dressed as a ladybug because we all know that you can’t spread butter without resembling a three-foot beetle. She put enough on one English muffin to kill someone instantly with one bite. I’ve seen Scottish castles that are smaller.

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