Wednesday, May 31, 2006

White Chicks was robbed!

This weekend I watched Bravo's four-hour countdown of the 100 funniest movies of all time. For the record Animal House and Caddyshack were the top two, neither of which I have ever seen. After you see Ben Stiller movies pop up six times you tend to question the experts who compiled this list. Plus Ace Ventura and The Wedding Singer both in the top ten? And which person over the age of nine would rank Shrek as the third funniest movie ever? Granted there are comedies that for some reason or another I love that critics and the general public loath. So here I go with my top 25 comedies. Sorry Tom Green, Freddy Got Fingered just missed out.

1. Annie Hall
2. Ferris Beuller's Day Off
3. Swingers
4. When Harry Met Sally
5. Uncle Buck
6. National Lampoon's Vacation
7. Raising Arizona
8. Rushmore
9. Dumb and Dumber
10. Pretty Woman
11. Tommy Boy
12. Some Like It Hot
13. Austin Powers
14. Broadcast News
15. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
16. Good Morning Vietnam
17. Groundhog Day
18. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
19. Napoleon Dynamite
20. Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
21. Elf
22. Hitch
23. Waking Ned Devine
24. Parenthood
25. Bruce Almighty

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