Saturday, August 23, 2008


A couple weeks ago my brother Colin signed up for the Obama VP text message to be notified the second he announced his running mate. This is Col's first presidential election to vote in and he's taking it really seriously. He's actually taking time to learn about both candidates rather than listening to the masses drone that McCain with his numerous houses (Is it 7? Is it 10? I'm so old I can't remember.) is out of touch with the common man and that Obama loves killing babies. So over the last few days he had anxiously been awaiting the text. This morning he called to tell me that his phone started beeping maniacally at 2:09 a.m. He awoke long enough to see Joe Biden's name before rolling over and going back to sleep. If the change that Obama hails in every stump speech involves awakening me from my dream as a hang-gliding prince who fights crime with Helen Mirren while eating cotton candy and Sour Patch Kids, well then count me out.

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