Sunday, June 11, 2006


Tonight I drank two cups of coffee at Ethan's birthday party, stopped by Starbucks on the way home, and drank a Coke with our late-night Chinese take-out. So it should come as no surprise that I'm wide awake. I've sat through a terrible SNL repeat with Jack Black, completed a crossword puzzle, read the first two chapters of Anderson Cooper's book, checked my email, scanned the Friday box office report, and glanced at the World Cup scores (not that any of us here in the U.S. even pretend to remotely care. I mean that Argentina/Cote D'Ivoire match was a real nail-biter right? Anyone with me?). So now I'm watching video from Sarah Kelly's industry showcase last night while trying to find on the seating chart where Dad and I are sitting for the Cardinals game tomorrow. Oh ya, we're leaving at 7:00 a.m. to head to Milwaukee. I'm trying to download some CD's to listen to on the way there or I'll get stuck digesting countless classic rock stations. There's only so much Kansas a guy can handle in a four-hour morning drive. Well enough rambling for now as it is time to force myself to go to bed. Good luck tomorrow Croatia. Beat those Brazilians.

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