Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Human guinea pig

Now I'll do anything for some cash or a free meal. In fact I'd even donate my left arm for one of those new potato bowls at KFC. So a couple weeks ago a friend of ours mentioned this research study where they were testing the tetanus vaccine in adults. You get a shot and come back in a month so they can study the results. Now the real selling point is that they pay you $120 to do this. Naturally I signed myself up. This morning when I went to the office they make you read through a fifteen page packet describing the study and potential side effects. Who cares if I get chronic diahrrea for the next five weeks as long as I get the cash. Without reading all of the fine print I sign away and follow the nurse into an exam room. She takes all of my vitals and I wait for the doctor to come in for my physical. A few minutes later he introduces himself and immediately launches into the exam by saying "Now the most uncomfortable part of this will be when I have to examine your scrotum." Just hearing the word scrotum makes me want to forfeit the money and head home. In no other situation would someone use that term within the first ten seconds of meeting them. I mean a waitress doesn't welcome your scrotum before telling you the daily specials. The teller at the bank doesn't ask you to show your scrotum before you are allowed to make a withdrawal. Well come to find out the doctor was trying to be funny because there was no intrusive exam. He listened to me breathe and and pushed on my stomach a few times. Maybe I can use my $120 to fly out to L.A. to watch Dr. Funnybones next season on Last Comic Standing.

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