Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where I never wanted to end up

A girl that was in my class two years ago stopped by today after school to tell me that she was moving. Now I’ve gotta admit that this young lady was always quite odd, but I grew to actually like her quite a bit. So as we were standing outside at the playground this afternoon I asked her the requisite questions about where she was moving to and if she was looking forward to it. We talked for a few more minutes and just before she left I wished her good luck and told her that I knew she’d do great at her new school. As she walked away through the crowd of parents she turned back to look at me, smiled, and said “I still have your picture….” Awww, how sweet all this time later, I thought, until she added “….in my underwear drawer.”


Anonymous said...

Isn't that where your supposed to keep photos? Oops!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! All special things go in the underpants drawer!