Monday, February 2, 2009


This weekend at church they had a family-style service, so Ella stayed in with us instead of going to her normal class. So we all sang and played games, and about halfway through my niece Joy came back to sit with us. Now when Ella and Joy get together it’s a bit like a preschool version of Laverne and Shirley. Joy leaned over to ask where the puppet was that she saw earlier. I simply told her that I think it got sick and was taking a nap backstage. Of course this didn’t satisfy Ella who wanted to know what was wrong with him. Like the mature father that I am, I whispered that I thought he had diarrhea. Immediately I realized that this was the wrong thing to say because she began giggling uncontrollably and loudly announced in the middle of the service, “Joy, the puppet has diarrhea!” Please forgive me, Lord.

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